Life @EIS Beirut:
in details!

Classrooms + Technology

Classrooms at EIS are intended to foster comfort, inspiration, and learning
Most classrooms overlook the lush inner garden courtyard, the Mediterranean Sea, or both. All classrooms are equipped with technology to enhance teaching and learning, such as projectors, speaker systems, and Apple TVs. All rooms have individual air conditioning units for heating and cooling to ensure the comfort of each class at any time of day, any time of year.


The Eastwood science laboratory is newly outfitted and stocked with quality equipment, tools, chemicals, substances, and safety equipment.
The laboratory consists of the main science lab, storage facilities, and a secure chemical storage room.

The Eastwood lab is furnished with laboratory benches equipped with sinks, water faucets, and gas nozzles for use with Bunsen burners. Anatomical, cellular, and chemical models as well as sample slides and preserved specimens are available to support student visualization, understanding, learning, and critical questioning. In addition, the lab maintains a stock of tools and materials for students to construct models and preserve slides and specimens of their own. The lab also boasts newly purchased equipment to enable students to conduct experiments with up-to-date scientic tools. These include but are not limited to equipment and sensors for detecting, measuring, and graphing collected data on carbon dioxide, temperature, motion, and pH; newly purchased microscopes with digital cameras to allow for enhanced viewing of slides on television and computer screens; magnetic stirrer and heater; water baths and ovens; and a variety of glassware, such as beakers and test tubes.

Laboratory Safety Equipment
To ensure student safety during laboratory learning experiences, the Eastwood laboratory maintains a stock of precautionary safety equipment, including but not limited to a supply of high-quality lab coats, rubber gloves, safety goggles, and fume hoods for use in conducting chemical experiments.

The Eastwood lab is also outtted with emergency safety equipment in the rare event of an emergency in the laboratory. Emergency safety equipment includes a safety shower and eye wash center, and re extinguishers. These are regularly tested and maintained to ensure functionality at all times.
A re blanket is also easily accessible in the lab for emergency use.

Multipurpose Room

To support the enhancement of student life and learning at Eastwood, our campus maintains a large multipurpose room. As its namesake suggests, this room serves many functions related to student learning and the school community.

The multipurpose room is spacious and versatile enough to host gymnastics lessons, art exhibitions, academic competitions, theater performances, learning celebrations, and more. It is equipped with a stage, sound system, and projector, allowing students to hold performances ranging from concerts to Shakespearean drama. The room is also the site of Eastwood’s annual Christmas performance, during which it has been transformed into everything from a life-sized indoor Christmas village to a ballroom.

Beyond its use for performances and events, the multipurpose room provides educators with an additional, adaptable learning space, allowing students to engage in learning experiences beyond the physical limits of the classroom setting.


Eastwood’s recently refurbished library is located on the top floor of our building with a commanding view of the whole of Beirut and the Mediterranean: a perfectly quiet and inspirational location in which to read and expand the mind.

The library is accessible to parents and students of all grade levels. The library consists of our print collection, reading areas with couches for students to read for pleasure and for their studies in comfort, areas for independent and small group work and collaboration, a computer station, and read aloud center. Our library holdings comprise literature, nonction, reference texts and media in English, Arabic, and French, as well as a digital library of over 4000 novels. We regularly seek to expand our collection to include texts in the various mother tongues spoken by our students and their parents.

Garden and playgrounds

The entrance to the Eastwood campus opens into a lush garden, ringed by hibiscus and Schefflera and shaded by olive, palm, cypress, and a great sharinga tree.

The garden area has picnic tables, benches, and three jungle gyms with swings and slides for younger children. This is the play and picnic area for children in Early Years during recess, though teachers and students of all ages can be found working on the grass or holding outdoor lessons during the school day. Our second playground is located on the lower level of the school campus. This playground is gated and fenced with a living wall of verdant creeper. The playground has two football elds, basketball goals, and swings.

Health, Safety and Security

Nurse and Nurse's Office

The campus has a nurse's office staffed by a full-time registered nurse every day. The nurse's office is equipped with a medical stretcher trolley and private bathroom to ensure student privacy and comfort concerning medical issues. The nurse's office maintains meticulous records of student medical needs and visits to the nurse's office on a private, internal computer system, ensuring that your child’s medical information remains secure.

Cleaning and Pest Control

Eastwood maintains a full-time custodial staff. The custodial staff cleans the classrooms and outdoor areas of the campus each morning prior to the arrival of students and faculty and at the end of each school day after students and faculty depart. The custodial staff is also present throughout the day to maintain the cleanliness of the bathrooms and hallways and attend to custodial needs as they arise.

Safety and Security

A campus-wide alarm system is installed for use in the event of a re or other situation requiring the emergency evacuation of the building and grounds.

Eastwood conducts regular maintenance of the system and tests the system twice annually during emergency evacuation drills. Fire extinguishers are located in easily accessible areas and are regularly replaced. The Eastwood campus is gated and secure, with our entrance overseen by a security caretaker and a closed circuit security camera system. Classrooms and common areas are also equipped with cameras for student safety and security.

The BAM Guide.

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