Eastwood was the first Apple partner in the Middle East, establishing the first full 1:1 iPad program for students from Grade 1 through Grade 12. All teachers are Apple trained and we have a few Apple Distinguished Educators amongst our faculty members that are teacher trainers.

Eastwood is also an Apple Professional Development center that trains teachers from other schools and help schools develop instructional design and curricula using technology. Eastwood is seen as a pioneer in the educational technology sphere.

The iPad + iTunes U Program

At Eastwood International School, we aim to be the best Beirut modern school you can come by. We believe that education is not just about content, or books, but about the conversations that happen between peers, faculty, teachers and facilitators. And so, at Eastwood International School, all our students use iPads and learning is done without traditional books. And we’re proud to say we were the first school in the entire Middle East to do this. We also use learning apps in the App Store, iTunes U and Google Classroom to manage learning with our courses.

Eastwood International School is also the rst school in the Middle East to create Arabic iTunes U courses for Lebanese Brevet and Baccalaureate classes. Most of the History, Geography and Ethics courses have been recorded and uploaded on the iTunes U platform, so our students are able to watch lectures at their convenience.

It might sound like a radical move, but we have found in our experience, and through modern teaching methods, that this works wonderfully to enhance the educational experience of a modern school.

Why we implemented the iPad and iTunes U program at Eastwood International School in Beirut.

With online courses, we are able to create a hybrid situation.

Don’t forget that historically, learning was done in the home. With online courses, we are able to create a hybrid situation where students get the best of both worlds: at-home learning and classroom-based social interaction.

Our move to implement iPads at school was not just about being technologically advanced or flashy; we had serious and very practical reasons to do this, and we have seen positive results from it. Kids can actually learn better when classroom time is spent discussing material that is learned at home. This is known as the ‘flipped classroom’ model of teaching.

We first stumbled across the idea to allow for in-home learning when some of our students were not able to attend classes most of the year due to severe illness or other legitimate reasons. We often take for granted the ability to attend classes at a physical location. And it’s not just because of economics either. Parents with professions that require them to relocate to remote places, or even just to move frequently, can also face difficulties creating a continuum of learning with their child’s education. Switching schools and teachers often is known to be an unhealthy approach to child development. It takes time for a child to get settled, make new friends, and get accustomed to a new teacher’s methods and expectations.

Therefore, our iTunes U program facilitates learning both in school, and for students who are unable to attend classes due to medical ailments. Our initial tests worked so well that the school decided to implement the technology (as any Beirut modern school would do), for all classes, and across all grades. All our teachers now create their courses in the iTunes U or Google Classroom systems.

How does it work?